- if UnitIsDeadOrGhost("player") then RepopMe()RetrieveCorpse()AcceptResurrect()AcceptXPLoss()return;end
- BeeRun("/targetenemy [noharm][dead]")
- local HPB=BeeUnitHealth("player","%",0)--自己的HP百分比
- local HPZ=BeeUnitHealth("player","nil",0)--自己的HP当前值
- local MPZ=BeeUnitMana("player","%",0)--自己的MP当前值
- local MHPB=BeeUnitHealth("target","%",0)--目标的HP百分比
- local MHPZ=BeeUnitHealth("target","nil",0)--目标的HP当前值
- local CD=BeeSpellCD--检查CD
- local ZT=BeeGetShapeshiftFormInfo(1)--检查当前姿态
- local SS=BeeStringFind--搜索
- local BF=BeeUnitBuffList("player")--自己的BUFFl列表
- local MBF=BeeUnitBuffList("target")--目标的BUFF列表
- local PK=BeeUnitCanAttack(target)--可以PK
- local MDT=not BeeUnitCastSpellName("player")
- --local JULI=BeeRange("target")<=36--距离目标多少码<=5
- local JULI=IsSpellInRange("精神鞭笞")==1--代替距离
- local R=BeeUnitPlayerControlled(target)--人物==1
- local GA=GetActionCooldown--检查技能是否可用2
- local AT=IsLeftAltKeyDown()
- if ZT~=1 then BeeRun("暗影形态")end
- if PK and HPB<30 and GA(50)==0 then UseAction(50)end
- if PK and HPB<15 and GA(49)==0 then UseAction(49)end
- local GT = GetTime();
- if GT==nil then GT=GetTime() end--延时2秒避免重复使用
- local QSSF="心灵尖啸,死亡缠绕,冰霜新星,昏迷,支配,冲击波,制裁之锤,昏迷,雷霆一击"
- if SS(QSSF,BF) and GA(62)==0 and GetTime()>=GT then UseAction(62) GT=GetTime()+2;end
- if SS(QSSF,BF) and GA(62)~=0 and CD("自利")==0 and GetTime()>=GT then BeeRun("自利") GT=GetTime()+2;end
- --if PK and R==1 and BeeIsRun("精神控制","target") then BeeRun("精神控制")end
- --if BeeIsRun("真言术:盾","player") and UnitBuff("player","真言术:盾")==nil then BeeRun("真言术:盾","player")end
- if UnitBuff("player","吸血鬼的拥抱")==nil then BeeRun("吸血鬼的拥抱")end
- if UnitBuff("player","神圣之灵")==nil then BeeRun("神圣之灵","player")end
- if UnitBuff("player","真言术:韧")==nil then BeeRun("真言术:韧","player")end
- if UnitBuff("player","心灵之火")==nil then BeeRun("心灵之火")end
- if PK and AT~=1 and MHPB<20 and BeeIsRun("暗言术:灭") then BeeRun("暗言术:灭")end
- if PK and MDT and AT~=1 and not SS("吸血鬼之触",MBF) and BeeIsRun("吸血鬼之触","target") and MHPZ>HPZ and JULI then BeeRun("吸血鬼之触")end
- if PK and AT~=1 and not SS("噬灵疫病",MBF) and BeeIsRun("噬灵疫病","target") and JULI then BeeRun("噬灵疫病")end
- if PK and AT~=1 and not SS("暗言术:痛",MBF) and BeeIsRun("暗言术:痛","target") and JULI then BeeRun("暗言术:痛")end
- if PK and MDT and AT~=1 and CD("心灵震爆")==0 and JULI then BeeRun("心灵震爆")end
- if PK and MDT and CD("心灵震爆")~=0 and BeeIsRun("精神鞭笞","target") and AT==nil and JULI then BeeRun("精神鞭笞")end
- if PK and MDT and BeeIsRun("精神灼烧","target") and AT==1 and JULI then BeeRun("精神灼烧")end
- BeeRun("/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()")