- if UnitIsDeadOrGhost("player") then RepopMe()RetrieveCorpse()AcceptResurrect()AcceptXPLoss()return;end
- BeeRun("/targetenemy [noharm][dead]")
- BeeRun("/startattack")
- local HPB=BeeUnitHealth("player","%",0)--自己的HP百分比
- local HPZ=BeeUnitHealth("player","nil",0)--自己的HP当前值
- local MPZ=BeeUnitMana("player","%",0)--自己的MP当前值
- local MHPB=BeeUnitHealth("target","%",0)--目标的HP百分比
- local MHPZ=BeeUnitHealth("target","nil",0)--目标的HP当前值
- local BFT=BeePlayerBuffTime--自己BUFF剩余时间秒
- local MBFT=BeeTargetDeBuffTime--目标DEBUFF剩余时间秒
- local BF=BeeUnitBuffList("player")--自己的BUFFl列表
- local MBF=BeeUnitBuffList("target")--目标的BUFF列表
- local MBS=BeeUnitCastSpellName("target")--目标正在释放的法术
- local SS=BeeStringFind--搜索
- local ZD=BeeIsCombat()--检查是否进入战斗状态==1
- local R=BeeUnitPlayerControlled(target)--人物==1
- local PK=BeeUnitCanAttack("target")==1--可以PK
- local IR=IsSpellInRange--检查技能距离
- local CD=BeeSpellCD--检查CD
- local IU=IsUsableAction--检查技能是否可用1
- local GA=GetActionCooldown--检查技能是否可用2
- local FSFS="奥术飞弹,精神鞭笞"
- if PK and SS(FSFS,MBS) and CD("反魔法护罩")==0 and MPZ>20 then BeeRun("反魔法护罩")end
- --自动上BUFF
- if not SS("鲜血灵气",BF) then BeeRun("鲜血灵气")end
- if BFT("寒冬号角")<0 and BeeSpellCoolDown("寒冬号角")==0 then BeeRun("寒冬号角")end
- if BFT("白骨之盾")<1 and BeeSpellCoolDown("白骨之盾")==0 and (BeeRune("邪恶符文")>0 or BeeRune("死亡符文")>0) then BeeRun("白骨之盾")end
- --按键回血
- if IsLeftShiftKeyDown() and HPB<60 then
- if BeeRune("鲜血符文")>0 and BeeRune("邪恶符文")>0 and BeeRune("冰霜符文")>0 and CD("亡者大军")==0 then BeeRun("亡者大军")end
- if CD("亡者大军")~=0 and MPZ>40 and CD("天灾契约")==0 then BeeRun("天灾契约")end
- end
- --按键传染
- if IsAltKeyDown() then
- if MBFT("冰霜疫病")>1 and MBFT("血之疫病")>1 and (BeeRune("鲜血符文")>0 or BeeRune("死亡符文")>0) then BeeRun("传染")end
- end
- --目标大于我的血量输出
- if MHPZ>HPZ then
- if BeeSpellCoolDown("召唤石像鬼")==0 and MBFT("冰霜疫病")>1 and MBFT("血之疫病")>1 then BeeRun("召唤石像鬼")end
- if BeeRune("鲜血符文")<1 and BeeRune("邪恶符文")<1 and BeeRune("冰霜符文")<1 and BeeSpellCoolDown("符文武器增效")==0 and BFT("活力分流")<=0 and CD("活力分流")>0 then BeeRun("符文武器增效")end
- end
- --正常输出
- if (not IsLeftAltKeyDown() or not IsShiftKeyDown()) and UnitExists("target")==1 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")==1 then
- if MPZ>40 and IR("凋零缠绕")==1 then BeeRun("凋零缠绕")end
- if BeeRune("鲜血符文")<1 and BeeRune("邪恶符文")<1 and BeeRune("冰霜符文")<1 and BeeSpellCoolDown("活力分流")==0 then BeeRun("活力分流")end
- if ((BeeRune("冰霜符文")>0 and BeeRune("邪恶符文")>0) or (BeeRune("冰霜符文")>0 and BeeRune("死亡符文")>0) or (BeeRune("邪恶符文")>0 and BeeRune("死亡符文")>0)) and MBFT("冰霜疫病")>1 and MBFT("血之疫病")>1 then
- if BeeIsRun("天灾打击") and IR("天灾打击")==1 then BeeRun("天灾打击")end
- if HPB<70 and IR("灵界打击")==1 then BeeRun("灵界打击")end
- end
- if (BeeRune("冰霜符文")>0 or BeeRune("死亡符文")>0) and (MBFT("冰霜疫病")<2 or BeeRune("鲜血符文")<1) and IR("冰冷触摸")==1 then BeeRun("冰冷触摸")end
- if (BeeRune("邪恶符文")>0 or BeeRune("死亡符文")>0) and (MBFT("血之疫病")<2 or BeeRune("鲜血符文")<1) and IR("暗影打击")==1 then BeeRun("暗影打击")end
- if BeeRune("鲜血符文")>0 and IR("心脏打击")==1 then BeeRun("心脏打击")end
- end