- local Tbl = BeeUnitBuffList("target")
- local buff = BeeUnitBuffList("player")
- local bingsi = (BeeRune("冰霜符文")>0 or BeeRune("死亡符文")>0)
- local xuesi = (BeeRune("鲜血符文")>0 or BeeRune("死亡符文")>0)
- local xiesi = (BeeRune("邪恶符文")>0 or BeeRune("死亡符文")>0)
- --插入技能
- if BeeCastSpellFast() then return;end
- --准备
- if not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("player") and not BeeStringFind("鲜血灵气",buff) then
- BeeRun("鲜血灵气")
- end
- if BeePlayerBuffTime("寒冬号角")<0 then
- BeeRun("寒冬号角")
- end
- --按键传染
- if IsShiftKeyDown() then
- if BeeTargetDeBuffTime("冰霜疫病")>1 and BeeTargetDeBuffTime("血之疫病")>1 and (BeeRune("鲜血符文")>0 or BeeRune("死亡符文")>0) then
- BeeRun("传染")
- end
- end
- --输出
- if BeeUnitHealth("target",nil,0)>0 then
- if BeeRune("鲜血符文")<1 and BeeRune("邪恶符文")<1 and BeeRune("冰霜符文")<1 and BeeSpellCoolDown("符文武器增效")==0 and BeePlayerBuffTime("活力分流")<=0 and BeeSpellCD("活力分流")>0 then
- BeeRun("符文武器增效")
- end
- if BeeSpellCoolDown("亡者复生")==0 and BeeUnitHealth("player","%")<50 then
- BeeRun("亡者复生")
- end
- end
- if not IsShiftKeyDown() and UnitExists("target")==1 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") and IsSpellInRange("冰冷触摸")==1 then
- if bingsi and BeeTargetDeBuffTime("冰霜疫病")<2 then
- BeeRun("冰冷触摸")
- end
- if xiesi and BeeTargetDeBuffTime("血之疫病")<2 then
- BeeRun("暗影打击")
- end
- if (BeeTargetDeBuffTime("冰霜疫病")>0 and BeeTargetDeBuffTime("血之疫病")>0) and (BeeTargetDeBuffTime("冰霜疫病")<5 or BeeTargetDeBuffTime("血之疫病")<5) then
- BeeRun("传染")
- end
- if BeePlayerBuffTime("冰冻之雾")>0 then
- BeeRun("凛风冲击")
- end
- if (BeeTargetDeBuffTime("冰霜疫病")>0 and BeeTargetDeBuffTime("血之疫病")>0) and BeeIsRun("湮没")then
- BeeRun("湮没")
- end
- if BeeUnitMana("player")>50 and BeeIsRun("冰霜打击") then
- BeeRun("冰霜打击")
- end
- if BeeUnitMana("player")>20 and BeeIsRun("符文打击") then
- BeeRun("符文打击")
- end
- if BeeUnitMana("player")>40 then
- if IsSpellInRange("凋零缠绕")==1 and BeeRange("target")>15 then
- BeeRun("凋零缠绕")
- end
- if BeeIsRun("冰霜打击") then
- BeeRun("冰霜打击")
- end
- end
- if BeeRune("鲜血符文")<1 and (BeeTargetDeBuffTime("冰霜疫病")>0 and BeeTargetDeBuffTime("血之疫病")>0) and (BeeTargetDeBuffTime("冰霜疫病")<5 or BeeTargetDeBuffTime("血之疫病")<5) and BeeSpellCoolDown("活力分流")==0 then
- BeeRun("活力分流")
- end
- if BeeUnitHealth("target",nil,0)>0 then
- if BeeTargetDeBuffTime("冰霜疫病")>1 and BeeTargetDeBuffTime("血之疫病")>1 and BeeSpellCoolDown("铜墙铁壁")==0 and bingsi then
- BeeRun("铜墙铁壁")
- end
- end
- if BeeTargetDeBuffTime("冰霜疫病")>1 and BeeTargetDeBuffTime("血之疫病")>1 and BeeRune("死亡符文")<1 and BeeRune("鲜血符文")>0 then
- BeeRun("鲜血打击")
- end
- if BeeRune("鲜血符文")>0 then
- BeeRun("鲜血打击")
- end
- end
- --当前目标打断
- BeeRun("/startattack");
- local Unit="target"
- local time , Castingtime= BeeUnitCastSpellTime(Unit);
- if BeeUnitCastSpellName(Unit) and Castingtime - time >0.5 and time >0.5 and BeeIsRun("心灵冰冻",Unit) then
- BeeRun("心灵冰冻",Unit);
- end;