- if UnitIsDeadOrGhost("player") then BeeRun("/目标 灵魂医者");RepopMe()RetrieveCorpse()AcceptResurrect()AcceptXPLoss()return;end
- if IsSpellInRange("刺骨")~=1 and BeeUnitCanAttack("target")==1 then ClearTarget()end
- BeeRun("/targetenemy [noharm][dead]")
- BeeRun("/startattack")
- ----------------------------------------------全局变量----------------------------------------
- local a = "target"
- local b = "player"
- local Tbl = BeeUnitBuffList(a)
- local buff = BeeUnitBuffList(b)
- local d = (IsShiftKeyDown() or IsAltKeyDown() or IsControlKeyDown())
- local jineng= "灼热烈焰,低沉咆哮,暗影烈焰,沉默,恢复,治疗结界,强效治疗结界,野性回复,恐吓尖啸,双生相协,女王之吻,治疗之环,卡兹洛加印记,地狱火,死亡凋零,暗影新星,睡眠术,低沉咆哮,暴风雪,火焰之雨,圣光术,恐惧术,生命吸取,恐惧,快速治疗,强效治疗术,治疗之触,愈合,地狱烈焰,飓风,滋养,次级治疗波,苦修,变形术,烈焰风暴"--------此为需要打断的技能
- local i = BeeStringFind(jineng,BeeUnitCastSpellName(a))
- local time , Castingtime= BeeUnitCastSpellTime(a)
- local t = "致盲,凿击,昏迷,变形术,闷棍,致盲,圣盾术,保护之手"-----此为判定目标身上BUFF停手
- local joylau = "寒冰之握,寒冰陷阱,邪恶毒气,烈焰波,低沉咆哮,上古绝望,恐慌,恐吓咆哮,蛛网喷射,蛛网爆炸,困惑,死亡缠绕,恐惧,心灵尖啸,昏迷,肾击,震荡射击,陷地,制裁之锤,深度冻结,突袭,暗影之怒,冲击波,胁迫,挤压,战争践踏,火焰冲撞,震荡波,震荡猛击,疲劳诅咒,冰冻陷阱,冰霜陷阱,冰霜新星,地缚术,断筋,蛛网,残废术,寒冰屏障,减速"---解控
- local c = "猛踢,假死,机械路霸,X-53型观光火箭,奥的灰烬,点心,进食,喝水"-----坐骑和自身有BUFF停手
- local f = UnitCreatureType(a)
- local e = BeeStringFind(f,"亡灵,恶魔,人型生物")
- local n = "多彩混乱"--宁神
- local j = "钓鱼,学习,乱射,暴风雪,炉石,潜行,偷窃,开启,打开,开锁,枯萎凋零,凛风冲击,寒冬号角"-----读条停手
- local h = BeeUnitCastSpellName(b)==j
- local g = UnitExists(a)==1 and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost(a) ------------单位存在且不是尸体
- ------------------------------------------------脚本正文-----------------------------------
- --运行前提
- if BeeStringFind(t,Tbl) or BeeStringFind(c,buff) or h then
- return
- end
- --打断
- if i and Castingtime - time >1 and time >1 then
- if BeeIsRun("/cast 脚踢",a) and BeeSpellCD("脚踢")==0 and IsSpellInRange("脚踢",a)==1 then
- BeeRun("脚踢",a)
- return
- end
- if BeeIsRun("/cast 致盲",a) and BeeSpellCD("致盲")==0 and IsSpellInRange("致盲",a)==1 and BeeSpellCD("脚踢")>0 then
- BeeRun("致盲",a)
- return
- end
- end
- --潜行
- --if not BeeUnitAffectingCombat(b) and not BeeStringFind("潜行",buff) and BeeIsRun("/cast 潜行") and BeeSpellCD("潜行")==0 then BeeRun("潜行")return;end
- --解控
- if BeeStringFind(joylau,buff) then
- if BeeIsRun("/cast 自利") and BeeSpellCD("自利")==0 then
- BeeRun("自利")
- return
- end
- if BeeIsRun("/cast 疾跑") and BeeSpellCD("疾跑")==0 and BeeSpellCD("自利")>1 then
- BeeRun("疾跑")
- return
- end
- end
- --保命加血
- if BeeUnitAffectingCombat(b) then
- if BeeUnitHealth(b,"%")<=50 and BeeIsRun("/cast 闪避") and BeeSpellCD("闪避")==0 then
- BeeRun("闪避")
- return
- end
- end
- --爆发菊花茶
- if BeeUnitAffectingCombat(a) and IsSpellInRange("影袭")==1 and UnitHealthMax(a)>50000 and BeeUnitHealth(a,"%")<=90 then
- if BeeIsRun("/cast 冲动") and BeeSpellCD("冲动")==0 then
- BeeRun("冲动")
- end
- if BeeIsRun("/cast 冷血") and BeeStringFind("冲动",buff) and BeeSpellCD("冷血")==0 then
- BeeRun("冷血")
- end
- if BeeIsRun("/cast 剑刃乱舞") and BeeStringFind("冲动",buff) and BeeSpellCD("剑刃乱舞")==0 then
- BeeRun("剑刃乱舞")
- end
- if BeePlayerBuffTime("冲动")<3 and BeeUnitMana(b)<=20 and BeeIsRun("/use 菊花茶") and GetItemCooldown("菊花茶")==0 then
- BeeRun("/use 菊花茶")
- end
- end
- --Ctrl闷棍
- if g and not BeeUnitAffectingCombat(a) and BeeStringFind("潜行",buff) and IsControlKeyDown() and IsSpellInRange("闷棍")==1 and BeeIsRun("/cast 闷棍",a) and BeeUnitMana(b)>=65 and BeeSpellCD("闷棍")==0 and e then
- BeeRun("闷棍",a)
- return
- end
- --Shift刀扇
- if IsShiftKeyDown() and BeeUnitMana(b)>=50 and BeeIsRun("/cast 刀扇") then BeeRun("刀扇")return;end
- --Ctrl消失
- if IsControlKeyDown() and BeeSpellCD("潜行")==0 and BeeIsRun("/cast 潜行") then BeeRun("潜行")return;end
- --ALT缴械
- if g and BeeUnitAffectingCombat(a) and IsAltKeyDown() and IsSpellInRange("拆卸")==1 and BeeIsRun("/cast 拆卸",a) and BeeSpellCD("拆卸")==0 and BeeUnitMana(b)>=25 and e then
- BeeRun("拆卸",a)
- return
- end
- ---自动偷袭
- if g and BeeIsRun("/cast 偷袭",a) and BeeSpellCD("偷袭")==0 and BeeUnitCanAttack and IsSpellInRange("偷袭")==1 and BeeStringFind("潜行",buff) and BeeUnitMana(b)>=60 and not e then
- BeeRun("/cast 偷袭\n/cast 背刺",a)
- return
- end
- --偷窃
- if g and BeeIsRun("/cast 偷窃",a) and BeeSpellCD("偷窃")==0 and e and BeeUnitCanAttack and IsSpellInRange("偷窃")==1 and BeeStringFind("潜行",buff) and not BeeUnitAffectingCombat(a) then
- BeeRun("偷窃")
- BeeUnitCastSpellDelay("偷窃",3,a)
- return
- end
- --起手
- if g and BeeUnitCanAttack(a) and IsSpellInRange("伏击")==1 and BeeIsRun("/cast 伏击",a) and BeeUnitMana(b)>=60 and BeeStringFind("潜行",buff) then
- if UnitHealthMax(a)<50000 then
- BeeRun("/cast 伏击\n/cast 背刺",a) ---小怪
- end
- if UnitHealthMax(a)>50000 then
- if BeeIsRun("/cast 锁喉",a) and BeeUnitMana(b)>=50 and BeeSpellCD("锁喉")==0 then
- BeeRun("/cast 锁喉\n/cast 背刺",a)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- --还击
- if g and IsSpellInRange("还击")==1 and BeeIsRun("/cast 还击",a) and BeeSpellCD("还击")==0 and BeeUnitMana(b)>=10 and not BeeStringFind("还击",Tbl) then
- BeeRun("还击",a)
- end
- --输出循环
- if g and BeeUnitAffectingCombat(a) and IsSpellInRange("影袭")==1 then
- -----------小怪
- if UnitHealthMax(a)<=50000 then
- if BeePlayerBuffTime("切割")<=3 and BeeIsRun("/cast 切割",a) and BeeGetComboPoints()==2 and BeeUnitMana(b)>=25 and BeeSpellCD("切割")==0 then
- BeeRun("切割",a)
- end
- if BeeIsRun("/cast 影袭",a) and BeeGetComboPoints()<3 and BeeUnitMana(b)>=45 and BeeSpellCD("影袭")==0 then
- BeeRun("影袭",a)
- BeeUnitCastSpellDelay("影袭",1,a)
- end
- if BeeGetComboPoints()>=3 and BeeStringFind("切割",buff) and BeeUnitMana(b)>=35 and BeeIsRun("/cast 刺骨") and BeeSpellCD("刺骨")==0 then
- BeeRun("刺骨",a)
- end
- end
- --------BOSS
- if UnitHealthMax(a)>=50000 then
- if BeePlayerBuffTime("切割")<=3 and BeeIsRun("/cast 切割",a) and BeeGetComboPoints()==5 and BeeUnitMana(b)>=25 and BeeSpellCD("切割")==0 then
- BeeRun("切割",a)
- end
- if BeeGetComboPoints()<5 and BeeUnitMana(b)>=45 and BeeIsRun("/cast 影袭",a) and BeeSpellCD("影袭")==0 then
- BeeRun("影袭",a)
- BeeUnitCastSpellDelay("影袭",1,a)
- end
- if BeeTargetDeBuffTime("破甲")<=3 and BeePlayerBuffTime("切割")>3 and BeeGetComboPoints()==5 and BeeUnitMana(b)>=15 and BeeIsRun("/cast 破甲",a) and BeeSpellCD("破甲")==0 then
- BeeRun("破甲",a)
- end
- if BeeTargetDeBuffTime("破甲")>=3 and BeePlayerBuffTime("切割")>3 and BeeTargetDeBuffTime("割裂")<=3 and BeeGetComboPoints()==5 and BeeUnitMana(b)>=25 and BeeIsRun("/cast 割裂",a) and BeeSpellCD("割裂")==0 then
- BeeRun("割裂",a)
- end
- if BeeTargetDeBuffTime("破甲")>=3 and BeePlayerBuffTime("切割")>3 and BeeTargetDeBuffTime("割裂")>=3 and BeeGetComboPoints()==5 and BeeUnitMana(b)>=35 and BeeIsRun("/cast 刺骨",a) and BeeSpellCD("刺骨")==0 then
- BeeRun("刺骨",a)
- end
- end
- end