- local Tbl = BeeUnitBuffList("target")
- local buff = BeeUnitBuffList("player")
- local bysc = "圣盾术,保护之手,寒冰屏障,威慑,消散,致盲,旋风,暗影斗篷"
- local NeedBreak = "愤怒,星火术,火球术,奥术冲击,奥术飞弹,闪电箭,生命吸取,恐惧,圣光术,快速治疗,强效治疗术,神圣新星,治疗之触,愈合,治疗波,滋养,苦修,变形术,寒冰箭,心灵震爆,混乱之箭,治疗链,烧尽,旋风,根须缠绕"
- local bykj = "激怒,狂暴"
- local xyqs = "圣盾术,保护之手,寒冰屏障"
- --插入技能
- if BeeCastSpellFast() then return;end
- --光环
- if not BeeStringFind("强击光环",buff) then
- BeeRun("/cast 强击光环")
- end
- --准备
- if not BeeUnitAffectingCombat() and BeeUnitMana("player","%")==100 and GetUnitSpeed("player")>0 and not BeeStringFind("猎豹守护",buff) and not BeeStringFind("豹群守护",buff) then
- BeeRun("/cast 猎豹守护")
- end
- if (not BeeStringFind("蝰蛇守护",buff) and BeeUnitMana("player","%")<10) or (not BeeStringFind("蝰蛇守护",buff) and not BeeUnitAffectingCombat()) and not BeeStringFind("猎豹守护",buff) then
- BeeRun("/cast 蝰蛇守护")
- return;
- end
- if BeeUnitAffectingCombat() and not BeeStringFind("雄鹰守护",buff) and BeeUnitMana("player","%")>90 then
- BeeRun("/cast 雄鹰守护")
- return;
- end
- --治疗宠物
- if BeeStringFind(bysc,Tbl) then return;end
- if not BeeUnitAffectingCombat() and BeeUnitHealth("pet","%")<50 and BeeUnitBuff("治疗宠物","pet")<1 then
- BeeRun("/cast 治疗宠物","pet")
- end
- --近战保命求生
- if IsShiftKeyDown() and BeeSpellCoolDown("假死")==0 then
- BeeRun("/cast 假死")
- end
- if BeeUnitHealth("player","%")<50 and BeeSpellCoolDown("假死")==0 and BeeSpellCD("威慑")>0 and BeePlayerBuffTime("威慑")<1 and BeeIsRun("/cast 假死") then
- BeeRun("/cast 假死")
- end
- if IsSpellInRange("摔绊","target")==1 then
- if BeeSpellCD("冰霜陷阱")>0 and BeeSpellCD("逃脱")>0 and BeeSpellCD("逃脱")<24 and BeeSpellCoolDown("威慑")==0 then
- BeeRun("/cast 威慑")
- end
- if BeePlayerBuffTime("威慑")>0 then
- if BeeSpellCoolDown("冰霜陷阱")==0 then
- BeeRun("/cast 冰霜陷阱")
- end
- if BeeSpellCoolDown("毒蛇陷阱")==0 then
- BeeRun("/cast 毒蛇陷阱")
- end
- if BeeSpellCoolDown("献祭陷阱")==0 then
- BeeRun("/cast 献祭陷阱")
- end
- end
- end
- if BeeSpellCoolDown("摔绊")==0 and BeeTargetDeBuffTime("摔绊")<1 and BeeIsRun("/cast 摔绊") then
- BeeRun("/cast 摔绊")
- end
- if BeeTargetDeBuffTime("摔绊")>0 then
- if BeeSpellCoolDown("猛禽一击")==0 and BeeIsRun("/cast 猛禽一击") then
- BeeRun("/cast 猛禽一击")
- end
- if BeeSpellCoolDown("猫鼬撕咬")==0 and BeeIsRun("/cast 猛禽一击") then
- BeeRun("/cast 猫鼬撕咬")
- end
- if BeeSpellCoolDown("冰霜陷阱")==0 then
- BeeRun("/cast 冰霜陷阱")
- end
- if BeeSpellCoolDown("逃脱")==0 and BeeIsRun("/cast 逃脱") then
- BeeRun("/cast 逃脱")
- end
- end
- --左ctrl键,下箭雨
- if IsControlKeyDown() and BeeIsRun("/cast 乱射","nogoal") and BeePlayerBuffTime("乱射")==-1 then
- CastSpellByName(tostring(GetSpellInfo("乱射"),nil));
- if SpellIsTargeting() then CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart() CameraOrSelectOrMoveStop() end
- return;end
- if BeeUnitCastSpellName("player")=="乱射" then return;end
- --输出
- if IsControlKeyDown() or IsLeftAltKeyDown() or IsShiftKeyDown() then return;end
- if UnitExists("target") and BeeUnitCanAttack("target") and BeeUnitBuff("猎人印记","target",2,2)<5 and BeeIsRun("/cast 猎人印记","target") then
- BeeRun("/cast 猎人印记","target");
- BeeUnitCastSpellDelay("猎人印记",3)
- return;
- end;
- if IsSpellInRange("毒蛇钉刺","target")==1 and UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") then
- if BeeTargetDeBuffTime("毒蛇钉刺")<2 then
- BeeRun("/cast 毒蛇钉刺","target");
- BeeUnitCastSpellDelay("毒蛇钉刺",0.9);
- return;
- end
- if BeeSpellCoolDown("准备就绪")==0 and BeeSpellCD("急速射击")>0 and not BeeStringFind("急速射击",buff) and BeeUnitHealth("player","%")>50 then
- BeeRun("/cast 准备就绪")
- end
- if BeeSpellCoolDown("急速射击")==0 and UnitHealthMax("target")>200000 and BeeUnitHealth("player","%")>50 and BeeUnitMana("player","%")>80 then
- BeeRun("/cast 急速射击")
- end
- if BeeSpellCoolDown("杀戮命令")==0 and BeeIsRun("/cast 杀戮命令") then
- BeeRun("/cast 杀戮命令")
- end
- if BeeSpellCoolDown("杀戮射击")==0 then
- BeeRun("/cast 杀戮射击")
- end
- if BeeTargetDeBuffTime("毒蛇钉刺")>0 and BeeSpellCoolDown("奇美拉射击")==0 then
- BeeRun("/cast 奇美拉射击")
- end
- if BeeTargetDeBuffTime("毒蛇钉刺")>0 and BeeSpellCoolDown("奇美拉射击")>0 and BeeSpellCoolDown("瞄准射击")==0 then
- BeeRun("/cast 瞄准射击")
- end
- if GetUnitSpeed("player")==0 and BeeSpellCD("奇美拉射击")>0 and BeeSpellCD("瞄准射击")>0 and BeeIsRun("/cast 稳固射击") then
- BeeRun("/cast 稳固射击")
- end
- end